picture of propellers

Memorials to Captain Alexander Bruce Kynoch & Captain Henry Clifford Stroud

With our help these World War 1 memorials were listed in 2018

Click on the link below to see the listing on the Historic England Website.
This will open a new browser tab. Historic England listing

From time to time we tidy up the site around each memorial.

The Memorials were erected on the spot where their planes crashed at Dollymans Farm. We are a group of volunteers that are trying to restore the Memorials on Dollymans Farm from World War 1 to Captain Alexander Bruce Kynoch and Captain Henry Clifford Stroud.

memorial for Alexander Bruce Kynoch memorial for Henry Clifford Stroud
Memorial for Captain Alexander Bruce Kynoch Memorial for Captain Henry Clifford Stroud

There has been a lot written about these memorials and the circumstances of their crash. It has not been possible to substantiate all of it but we will try and give as much of an accurate account as possible.

If you want more information or to offer your support.

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The Story

Zeppelin Staaken The evening of Thursday 7th March 1918; It is reported that Captain Kynoch took of from Stow Maries at 11.29pm & Captain Stroud took off from Rochford at 11.30pm in pursuit of German bombers. There was little or no moon. We believe that because of the conditions, Captain Stroud would have followed the railway line from Rochford, which would take him to London. It is likely that Captain Kynoch was flying along a track of 211 degrees. The wind was blowing 067 degrees, from East to West. They crashed into each other over Dollymans Farm. There are a number of reasons why this happened. Visibilty in the aircraft they were flying can be difficult for instance if they were climbing, the upper wing could obscure their view. The SE5A that Captain Stroud was flying had issues with light flare from the exhaust which made it difficult for night vision, although we believe that his exhaust should have had a modification to rectify this. It is recorded in the book Air Defence of Britain 1914 - 1918 by Christopher Cole and E. F. Cheesman that it was six "Giants" that the Airmen where trying to find. The Zeppelin-Staaken Riesenflugzeug "Giant" bomber was a four engined biplane.The Giant deserved its name, the wing span was 42 metres.


Captain Alexander Bruce Kynoch

picture of alexander bruce kynoch

Alexander was born on 5th January 1894 at Spencer House, Northbrook Road, Wood Green. His Death Certificate states that he died on the 8th March 1918.
Again date of death may not be correct, it is likely that they died before midnight on 7th March but were not certified dead until the 8th.

Captain Kynoch of 37 Squadron Stow Maries was flying BE12 C3208.

BE12 WW1 Aircraft

Captain Henry Clifford Stroud

picture of henry clifford stroud

Henry was born on the 25th July 1893 at 8 Grosvenor Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. His Death Certificate states that he died on the 8th March 1918.
That may not be entirely correct but we will never know for certain. Captain Stroud's memorial says that he died at midnight 8th March and Captain Kynoch's memorial says that he died on the night of the 7th March.

Captain Stroud came from Newcastle and it is well worth visiting the Heaton History Group website to hear more about his family
Stroud family of Cresta

There are a number of memorials to Captain Stroud in the Newcastle area and they are documented by the North East Memorials Project with more information about Henry.

Captain Stroud of 61 Squadron Rochford was flying SE5A B679.

SE5A WW1 Aircraft

How to find the Memorials

Entry is not permitted via the farm and should be reached via the Public Footpath or Bridleway.
See Essex Highways website with information about Public Rights of Way. This opens a new browser tab.

Below is an Ordnance Survey map (Copyright Ordnance Survey), showing Footpaths and Bridleways marked in a green dotted line.

The Grid reference for Captain Stroud is TQ77542 91457 and for Captain Kynoch TQ77289 91462.
ordnance survey map

Below is an aerial picture (Copyright Terry Joyce), showing the Footpath marked in a white dotted line.

Aerial picture